Xbox Games
007: Everything Or Nothing (Disc Only)
187: Ride Or Die (Sealed)
Advent Rising (Sealed)
Aeon Flux
Aliens Versus Predator: Extinction
All-Star Baseball 2005
American Chopper 2: Full Throttle (Sealed)
AMF Bowling 2004
AMF Xtreme Bowling (Disc Only)
Amped Freestyle Snowboarding (Platinum Hits)
Antz: Extreme Racing
Area 51
Armed and Dangerous
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (Disc Only)
Azurik: Rise of Perathia (2) (1 Disc Only)
Bard's Tale, The
Batman Begins
Batman: Dark Tomorrow
Batman: Rise Of Sin Tzu
Batman: Vengeance
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Battlestar Galactica
Beyond Good & Evil
Bible Game, The
Bicycle Casino
Big Mutha Truckers
Big Mutha Truckers 2
Black Stone: Magic & Steel
Blade 2
Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
Blinx: The Time Sweeper (No Manual)
Blinx 2: Masters of Time & Space (Disc Only)
Blood Omen 2
Blood Wake (2) (1 Disc Only)
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon
Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood
Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30
Bruce Lee: Quest Of The Dragon
Brute Force
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Call of Duty 3
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Capcom Classics Collection Vol 1
Carmen Sandiego: The Secret of the Stolen Drums
Cars (no manual)
Castlevania: Curse Of Darkness
Cat In The Hat
Cel Damage
Celebrity Deathmatch
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Chase: Hollywood Stunt Driver
Chicken Little
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Chronicles of Riddick, The: Escape From Butcher Bay
Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars
Classified: The Sentinel Crisis
Close Combat: First to Fight
Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers
Commandos Strike Force (Sealed)
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Conker: Live & Reloaded
Counter Strike
Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath Of Cortex
Crash Nitro Kart
Crash Twin Sanity
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller (no manual)
Crimson Sea
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
Curious George
Dakar 2: The World's Ultimate Rally (Disc Only)
Dark Angel
DaVinci Code, The
Dead Man's Hand
Dead Or Alive 3
Dead To Rights 2
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Disc Only)
Destroy All Humans!
Destory All Humans! 2
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Dino Crisis 3
Dinotopia: The Sunstone Odyssey
Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure
Doom 3
Doom 3: Limited Collectors Edition
Doom 3: Resurrection Of Evil (Sealed)
Dragon Ball Z: Sages
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Driv3r (Disc Only)
Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee
Egg Mania: Eggstreme Madness
Enter The Matrix
ESPN NFL 2K5 (Disc Only)
Evil Dead: A Fistfull of Boomstick
Evil Dead: Regeneration (2) (1 Sealed)
Fable ( Limited Edition Bonus DVD GameCrazy)
Fable ( Limited Edition Bonus DVD Gamestop)
Fable: The Lost Chapters (Platinum Hits)
Fairly Odd Parents, The: Breakin' Da Rules
Family Guy: The Video Game
Fantastic 4 (Disc Only)
Fatal Frame
Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly: Directors Cut
Far Cry: Instincts
FIFA Street
Fight Club (Sealed)
Final Fight Streetwise
Finding Nemo
Ford Mustang
Ford vs. Chevy
Forza Motorsport
Freedom Fighters
Frogger Ancient Shadow
Frogger Beyond
From Russia With Love 007
Full Spectrum Warrior (2) (1 Loose)
Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers (Sealed)
Fuzion Frenzy
Gauntlet Dark Legacy
Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure
Ghost Recon: Island Thunder
Godfather, The (Sealed)
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee
Goldeneye: Rogue Agent
Grabbed By The Ghoulies
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Great Escape, The
Gun Metal
Guy Game, The
Half-Life 2
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2: Limited Collectors Edition
Halo 2: Multiplayer Map Pack
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Disc Only)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup
Haunted Mansion, The
Heroes of the Pacific
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 (Disc Only)
Hitman: Contracts
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2) (1 Disc Only)
Hobbit, The: The Prelude to Lord of the Rings
Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge (No Manual)
House of the Dead III, The
HunterL The Reckoning
Hustle, The: Detroit Streets (Sealed)
Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction
Incredibles, The
Incredibles, The: Rise Of The Underminer (Sealed)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
Indigo Prophecy
Iron Phoenix
Italian Job, The
Jade Empire (Sealed)
Jaws Unleashed
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Just Cause
Justice League Heroes
Kill Switch
King Arthur
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Kung Fu Chaos
Land of the Dead: Road To Fiddler's Green
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (no manaul)
Legend of Spyro, The: A New Beginning
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game
Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude Uncut (PAL)
Links 2004
Loons: The Fight For Fame
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter
Mad Dash Racing
Madden 2002
Madden 2004
Madden 2005
Madden 2006 (2) (1 Disc Only)
Madden 2007 (2) (1 Disc Only)
Madden 2008
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Matrix: Path Of Neo
Max Payne
Maximum Chase
Mech Assault
Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf (Disc Only)
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Platinum Hits) (Disc Only)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Men of Valor
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Metal Dungeon
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix (Platinum Hits) (Sealed)
Midway Arcade Treasures 1
Midway Arcade Treasures 2
Midway Arcade Treasures 3
Minority Report: Everybody Runs (2) (1 Disc Only)
Mission Impossible: Operation Surma
MLB Slug Fest 2003
Monster Garage
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat: Deception Kollectors Edition
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
MVP Baseball 2005
MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (Disc Only)
MX vs ATV Unleashed (Disc Only)
Myst III: Exile
Myst IV: Revelation
Nascar 2005: Chase For The Cup
NBA 2K7 (Disc Only)
NBA Live 2003
NBA Live 2004
NBA Live 2005 (Disc Only)
NBA Live 2006
NBA Live 2007 (Disc Only)
NBA Street 3
NCAA Football 2003
NCAA Football 2005 (Disc Only)
NCAA Football 2007 (Disc Only)
Need For Speed: Carbon
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (Platinum Hits)
Need For Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition (Disc Only)
NFL Blitz Pro
NFL Fever 2002
NFL Fever 2003
NFL Street
NFL Street 2 (Sealed)
NHL 2005
NHL 2003 (Disc & Manual Only)
NHL 06
NHL 07
NHL 2K6 (Sealed)
NHL Rivals 2004
Nickelodeon Party Blast (No Manual)
Night Caster: Defeat The Darkness
Nightmare Before Christmas, The: Oogie's Revenge
Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden: Black
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
Open Season
Outlaw Golf
Outlaw Golf: 9 Holes Of X-Mas: Blockbuster Exclusive
Over The Hedge (Disc Only)
Pac-Man World 2
Pac-Man World 3
Painkiller: Hell Wars
Peter Jackson's King Kong (Disc & ManualOnly)
Phantasy Star Onlione Episode I & II
Pinball Hall Of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection
Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Playboy: The Mansion
Power Drome (Sealed)
Predator: Concrete Jungle
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Prisoner of War
Pro Stroke Golf World Tour 2007 (Disc Only
Project Gotham Racing
Project Gotham Racing 2 (2) (1 Loose)
Punusher, The
Pure Pinball
Rainbow Six: Lockdown
Rainbow Six 3
Rapala Pro Fishing
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
Raze's Hell
Red Dead Revolver
Reign of Fire
Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Tides Of War
Robin Hood Defender of the Crown
Rocky Legends
(no manual)
Rogue Ops
Run Like Hell
Samurai Warriors
Scarface: The World Is Yours
Scooby-Doo! Unmasked
Second Sight
Sega NBA 2K2
Serious Sam II
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
Shadow the Hedgehog
Shark Tale (No Manual)
Shattered Union
Shellshock Nam '67
Shenmue II (no manual)
Shrek 2
Shrek Super Party
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Simpsons, The: Hit & Run
Simpsons, The: Road Rage
Sims, The
Sims, The: Bustin's Out (no manual)
Sims 2, The
Sniper Elite
Sonic Heroes
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Soul Calibur II (No Manual)
Spawn: Armageddon
Special Forces Nemsis Strike
Spider-Man (No Manual)
Spider-Man (Platinum Hits)
Spider-Man 2
Splashdown (Disc Only)
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Spongebob Squarepants Movie, The
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle For Bikini Bottom
Spongebob SquarepantsL Lights, Camera, Pants!
Spy vs Spy
Spyhunter 2
SSX On Tour (Disc Only)
Stacked: With Daniel Negreanu (Sealed)
Star Wars: Battlefront
Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Clone Wars
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Star Wars: Starfighter: Special Edition
Starsky & Hutch
Steel Battalion
Steel Battalion: Line of Contact
Stolen (Disc Only)
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection
Stubbs The Zombie In Rebel Without A Pulse (2) (1 No Manual)
Suffering, The
Suffering, The: Ties That Bind (No Manual)
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
Superman: The Man Of Steel
Superman Returns
SWAT: Global Strikes Team
Tak The Great Juju Challenge
Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams
Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (Disc Only)
Taz: Wanted
Tecmo Classic Arcade
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (No Manual)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee
Terminator: Dawn Of Fate
Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines
Terminator 3: The Redemption
Test Drive (Platinum Hits) (no manual)
Tetris Worlds
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Thing, The
Thrillville (2) (1 Disc Only)
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
TimeSpliters: Future Perfect
TimeSpliters 2
ToeJam & Earl III: Mission To Earth
Tom and Jerry In War of the Whiskers
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Platinum Hits) (Disc Only)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: 2011: Final Assault (Disc Only)
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike (Disc Only)
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2X (Disc Only)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Disc Only)
Tony Hawk's Underground (Disc Only)
Top Gear: RPM Tuning (No Manual)
Toxic Grind (Sealed)
Trigger Man
Trivial Pursuit Unhinged
True Crime: Streets Of LA
True Crime: New York City
Turok: Evolution
TY The Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue (Disc Only)
Unreal Championship
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
Van Helsing
Virtual Pool: Tournament Edition
Voodoo Vince
X2: Wolverine's Revenge
Xbox Music Mixer
X-Men III: The Official Game
X-Men Legends
X-Men Legends (Platinum Hits) (Sealed)
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Without Warning (Sealed)
World Championship Poker
World Championship Pool 2004
World Series Of Poker
World Racing (Disc Only)
Worms 3D (2) (1 loose)
Systems & Accessories:
Xbox Controller "The Duke"
Xbox Controller S (Black) (2)
Memory Card Transfer Adapteor
Xbox Wireless Networking Adapter
Steel Battalion Controller (CIB)